Friday, January 10, 2014

It's Raining Men

100% true story

So...I'm maybe, kind of, sort 

Not anyone specific, just, With facial hair and boy parts.

It seems everyone my age is getting married and purposely making babies, while I'm having a mad love affair with Tumblr, Twitter and trying to get Avi Kaplan to retweet me just once dear Lord, just respond already. 

Don't judge me, Ryan.

I want a relationship, I really do. I think it would literally be the coolest thing ever to find my male counterpart, who's equally as strange as I am and has an affinity for good music, books and cooking with gratuitous amounts of garlic. I want to make tiny versions of me, watch them grow and hopefully not ruin them forever. 

The biggest reason I haven't "dated" before is some very bad personal experiences with the opposite gender. People were not kind to me in high school and to a certain extent college. I had always been that smart, quiet, fat girl that most people ignored. I was almost fake asked out to prom because the boy I had a crush on two grades older than me thought it would be funny to ask me and then not show up--straight up movie style, bullshit. 

Also, having literally zero self confidence kind of makes talking to the opposite sex a soul crippling experience.

But ALAS, I am no longer that quiet, fat girl anymore. I'm quite fierce and, you know, 70 pounds lighter. I'm also looking pretty damn fabulous lately. I've got some bras that make the ladies look amazing.

 Mmm, hey, fellas

In all seriousness though, dating is hella awkward. Why does it have to be so awkward? I feel like I have to hide certain aspects of my personality because I don't want people to think I'm too strange. I mean, I'm a unique 25-year-old. I enjoy acapella more than a normal person should, I'm still waiting for Nsync to announce a reunion tour and I'd rather spend hours in a library than a bar. 

I'm not 100% comfortable with this whole thing, but for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm ready for it. 

PS: I'm kind of tipsy, so if this post makes zero sense, you know why.