Thursday, August 22, 2013

Top 5 Thursday #4

I'm gonna level with you all right now...this post is the result of the Nsync dance party I'm having right now, by myself. Because this is what adults do. 

Actually, it's 50% because of the Nsync dance party and 50% because of the rumors that Nsync is going to reunite for the VMAs on Sunday and I literally CANNOT HANDLE MYSELF.

I blame Lance 25%, JC 15%, Chris 30%, Joey 15% and Justin 15%. Actually, I blame Justin 50% and everyone else 12.5%.

Yes, I realize the height of the boy band craze was the mid-to-late 90s, but that doesn't change the fact that some of it is infinitely better than the music that currently invades the airspace.

And because, after ten years of silence, I will possibly see Nsync perform together again, I made a list of my favorite Nsync songs. Because I can.
LB's Top 5 Nsync Songs
1) Tearin' Up My Heart

This song started it all. This song pinpoints the start of my obsession with these five boys. It's an obsession that's, so far, spanned 15 years. 15 years and this song still makes me as excited as it did when I first heard it. Also, it's classic Nsync. If you don't like this song, you're wrong.
2) It's Gonna Be Me

This song's legacy is the "It's Gonna Be May" meme on Tumblr and it's glorious. Bonus, it's from the album "No Strings Attached", which still holds the record for most number of copies sold in a single week. I'm proud to say I added to that number.
3) Bye Bye Bye

If you don't dance to this song, you're lying. 

4) Pop

I remember waiting in line July 24, 2001 for my copy of this album and then spending the rest of the day with my two friends dissecting every tiny part of each and every song. Pop is a flawless song and works amazingly to get my hyped up. Also, it was the album in which Justin debuted his buzz cut, which, let's face it, was waaaaay better than the fro. 

5) This I Promise You

ALL MY FEELS. This is the perfect ballad and I hate all of them for sounding so stupidly dreamy. Even Lance. That bastard.

BONUS: Digital Getdown

Label this under: Things I Did Not Realize As A Child. THIS SONG IS FILTHY. I played Justin's opening lines over and over and over and over again and I didn't realize until a few years ago exactly what he was singing about. This song gave me many feelings as a youngin' and I realize now that Justin was turning me on. Thirteen years later and he continues to do so. 

Bonus #2: Up Against the Wall

YES. I workout to this song and it's fabulous. It's got a stupid catchy beat that I still find relevant 12 years later. Also, it's about grinding (or sex. It's probably sex) against a wall, which I'd be okay if any member of Nsync decided to try that with me.

Honorable mentions: 1) God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time On You): mainly because it's acronym is awesome-GMHSALMTOY. 2) I Want You Back: because the music video is atrocious. 3) I Drive Myself Crazy: because seriously. 4) Giddy Up: because it's ridiculous. And totally not about horses. 5) I Thought She Knew: because the harmonies make me want to cry.
Justin thanks you for your time.

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