Thursday, December 26, 2013

A post in which I ramble

I know, I haven't been here in a while. Don't be scared.

I'm not dead! Well, probably not. But I suppose I could be a ghost who's mastered telekenetic energy and Internet use to keep this blog alive!

LOL, no.

Although, to be honest, I've felt dead for the last couple of months. Well, really September until November. Or, more accurately, since April until about November.

Why, you ask?

Um, because my body decided it hates, loathes, detests, resents, abhors, (what have you) my pancreas. My pancreas is Public Enemy Number One according to my immune system and loves nothing more than slowly killing it for fun.

I know, it's awesome. Especially since I'm the middle-man in this war and have to deal with all the consequences of this battle while my pancreas just dies and my body gets boatloads of gleeful enjoyment from its murderous rampage. 

I'm not particularly fond of my immune system at the moment. Or my pancreas for being a weakling. 

Sparing you all the inanely boring details of my diagnosis, I'll keep it simple. I've been diagnosed with Type 1.5 Diabetes, or Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults, LADA for short. Basically, I'm a slow-onset Type 1 Diabetic, in that I'll eventually require insulin to maintain my blood sugars without dying.


I've already been started on a long-acting insulin I give myself daily, which is 99% due to my insistence at my last endocrinologist appointment. My endocrinologist loves me, because I'll never be non-compliant. I know too much about diabetes because of my job to let myself be stupid about this.

So, that's my life now. :/

LB's Reaction to Her Diagnosis
(Now in Six Easy Steps!)

(The: "I'm sorry, what?" Phase) 
(The: "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Phase) 

 (The Complete and Utter Disbelief Phase)

 (The Temper Tantrum Phase)

(The Cry Uncontrollably Phase)

(The "Bitch I'm Fabulous, Now Let's Go Get Smoothies" Phase)

And there you have it: the six stages of diabetes diagnosis. I also like to call step six the "YOLO Swag" Phase. I mostly stay in the sixth phase, but sometimes I live in four and five combined and if I think about it hard enough, phase three.

Because I lost 70 pounds, eat healthy and work out, I should be the last person to get diabetes. The Universe is trolling hard. 

Since I've seemingly revived this blog, I'll post my resolutions for 2014.

1. Take a picture a day
2. Have a song reccomendation of the week
3. Post here once a week on my off weeks (so twice a month)
4. Make 2014 "The Year of the Concert"
5. Get serious about exercise again
6. Read over 60 books

Six is good for now; favorite number and all. 

The picture a day and song recommendation of the week will be hosted on my Tumblr and Twitter, which I'm not linking here. Anonymity and all that jazz. 

I realize "Year of the Concert" is vague, but I've already got five concerts lined up for next year (Justin Timberlake TIMES TWO, Pentatonix, The Sing Off Live Tour and Lady Gaga) and I want to maybe reach at least ten. I might go broke before then, but that's okay. 

Resolution five is self-explanatory. Exercise kind of died when I felt like a giant pile of steaming poo. :)

I had the goal of 60 books this year, but am gonna fall short by two. THIS BOTHERS ME. So, next year, I'm gonna get over 60.

I think I've rambled long enough. Catch ya'll next year. :)

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