Friday, May 3, 2013

In Which An Intro Is Made

So…this blog is happening. 

I’ve thought about starting one for a while. Sometimes (okay, like 2 times out of 100), I have interesting and witty things to say and it’s during those times I think, “Man, everyone in existence should have access to these thought-provoking and life-enhancing moments!”

Pictured: you in your utter confusion

Okay, maybe not. However, I do think that maybe I should start writing them down. That way, when members of future civilizations stumble upon this blog they’ll laugh and possibly learn something. (Let’s be real, they’ll probably think I was strange, which is, you know…not far off the mark).

Here are a few things you might need to know about me.

One: If you couldn’t tell by the horrible cardiac related puns in both my user name and title, I am a cardiac nurse.

Two: I have an unhealthy obsession with music.

Three: I love couscous, bacon and raw cookie dough. And anything can be made better with garlic and lemon juice.

Four: I really enjoy making lists and crossing things off.

Five: I’m kind of a picky eater. I won’t eat anything that looks or smells like it came from an ass.

Six: I’m afraid of knives, especially when I’m not in control of them.

Mmm…yeah, six points is enough for now.

For the purposes of this blog, you can call me LB (short for the lub in lub-dub. HAHA, get it?!). I’m hoping to make posts every Friday with special posts every third Thursday of the month. 

In conclusion: hi!


  1. Replies
    1. The only way to make garlic and lists more awesome is if I were to make a list about why I love garlic.

  2. Also, that RR gif is excellent.

    1. Ryan Reynolds has facial expressions for all of life's emotions.

  3. Dang it now I want garlic bread.

    1. Ooh, garlic bread. Have you tried the garlic cheesy bread Lays potato chips? To die for.
