Sunday, July 14, 2013

Procrastination Station

Ugh, I am the worst at posting on a schedule. Which is strange if you consider my extreme anal retentiveness and excellent organizational skills. 


Procrastination and horrible prioritization is the crux of my posting on a schedule problem. At work, I can prioritize the hell out of my day. When it comes to personal life...I'm the absolute worst at it.

Which of course, ends of screwing me at the end of the off week. You see, the off week is precious; it's seven days to do all the crap you didn't do during the seven days you were working. Sometimes I have a lot of crap to shove into seven days. And sometimes I prioritize it horribly and I end up spending Sunday (my so-called "sacred day of rest") scrambling to finish everything I wanted/needed to do.

Because there are just some days where I'd rather read for 10 hours at a crack and ignore the growing pile of dishes in the sink. 

Or sometimes you just need to play The Sims 3 for a whole day, because your life is a lot less interesting that making Don Lothario have a relationship with a set of sisters and having seven kids between the two of them. All without letting them find out about it, obviously. 

Sometimes you just need a family of hot dogs
Basically, I procrastinated every making this post (cleaned the bathroom, put away the dishes and made lunch. At least it was productive procrastination), so let's just say you can expect posts from me whenever I decide to sit down and write one. 

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