Thursday, June 27, 2013

Top Five Thursday #2

I am an astronomically horrible person because I missed not one, but TWO posts last week, however 1) it was a work week; 2) it was a horrible work week; and 3) I worked two 15-hour shifts back-to-back, so I think I deserve some slack.

Listen to Aaron Rodgers.

So, since it's Thursday, I figured I'd do the Top 5 Thursday I meant to do last Thursday. So, without further ado, I present to you... 

LB's Top 5 Celebrity Crushes
(That I Just Don't Understand)

1) Clay Matthews


Okay, so first off, let's chat quickly about what LB finds attractive in a man. I'm a fan of the nerdy type. I need a guy taller than me, so at least six foot. I fit the cliche of liking tall, dark and handsome. I don't need muscles on a guy, but just a little bit is a comfort. Basically, if John Krasinski would have me, I'd hold on and never let go. 

Alright then, we've determined my ideal guy is John Krasinksi (or Zachary Levi). Clay Matthews is NONE of what I described above. Tall, sure, but he's a muscle beefcake, has long, questionably greasy blonde hair and is in no way nerdy. 

Yet, there is something about Clay Matthews that I find delicious and he can sack me any day he wants. 

2) Steve Carell 

Steve Carell was never on my radar until he showed up in Silver Fox Mode. He always got bonus points for being funny, but with that beautiful salt-and-pepper beard, I've found myself wanting to lick his chin. 

3) Jonah Hill


Skinny Jonah Hill confuses the attractive center of my brain. The revelation that I found him attractive as a slimmer man came to me on a day in which I had an hour long Nsync dance party by myself while rooting for the Miami Dolphins to win a football game. 

It was a very confusing day for me.  

4) Edward Norton

Oh, Edward Norton.  Not Brad Pitt or George Clooney levels of gorgeous, but then again, I never found either of them really that attractive. Any movie Norton is in, I will see. Partly for his face and partly because I'd listen to him read me the phone book. He could tell me something horrible and I'd be okay with it because of smooth as silk voice.

Mmm...yes, please.

5) Jason Segel 


He definitely fits the nerdy profile I enjoy, but other than that, I can't explain to you why I wouldn't mind becoming Mrs. Jason Segel. I think it's because I'm in love with his character on "How I Met Your Mother". Maybe it's because he's funny and a little fluffy around the middle and I kind of like that too.

Either way, Jason Segel sets my heart atwitter and I'll just have to live with that.


  1. YES on the Steve Carell thing!! All of a sudden he went from not on the radar to "HAAAAAAAAYYYYY"!! & Jason Segal is a cutie patoot & I love Marshall & Lilly. =)

    1. RIGHT!? Stupid men and their aging gracefully stunt they pull.
