Saturday, June 8, 2013


This might be short, but I'm pressed for time and just got back from an 11 day trip, so I have a very important date with my couch and pajamas.

Yes, I know it's only 4:30 in the afternoon on a know what, don't judge me! You do 2,640 miles of driving and tell me how you feel at the end of it.


Aw, don't be sad, I'm sorry. I spoke out of exhaustion.

But my 11 day road trip just sparked an incredible amount of wanderlust in me. I want to travel everywhere.
I've been fortunate in that I've been able to travel fairly frequently. Every year, I get three weeks off at work and each year since I started working I've taken that time to see a different place. The first year it was New York City. The second year is was North Carolina, specifically the Smoky Mountains, Raleigh, Charlotte and the Outer Banks. And this third year it was Philadelphia and Boston. 
I realize that in the grand scale of things, America is not an old country. The crux of our history really begins in the 1600s, with the admittedly most exciting stuff only staring to happen in the mid 1750s. We have just over 400 years of history with most of country with much less. Compare that to Europe or Egypt or Israel with thousands and thousands of years of history. 
I want to go to those places. Maybe it's because I just can't fathom that much history. While I was in Independence Hall, the place where our Declaration of Independence was signed, I was in awe that I was standing in a place that had existed just a mere 250 years ago. 
I think my brain would explode to visit anywhere else with much more and a much deeper history than the eastern coast of the United States. 
If I had the means, I would leave and travel for months on end. I want my brain to explode at seeing ancient churches in Europe or the pyramids in Egypt. I want to spend six months exploring all Italy has to offer. I want to spend equally as much time stuffing my face with feta cheese in Greece. 
Pictured: me crying over my lack of money
Until that time I come into a large amount of cash (c'mon lottery!), I'll continue to be plagued with wanderlust.

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